(250mgTHC:250mgCBD) Hailey's Comet 1ml Syringe By Mary's

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(250mgTHC:250mgCBD) Hailey's Comet 1ml Syringe By Mary's
Product Details
Brand: Mary's Medibles

1ml 1:1 (Haileys Comet)

250mgTHC / 250mgCBD

Mary’s Edibles Halley’s Comet Phoenix Tears is a balanced phoenix tear product which contains a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD. Each syringe contains 1ml, with 250mg of THC, 250mg of CBD and 15mg of CBN. We suggest users to start slow, with a small drop and then slowly increase the dosage afterwards to find your desired effects. Those that are suffering from serious pain, sleep disorders and cancer, will find relief when consuming these phoenix tears. Phoenix tears are known to help patients with cancer, with testimonies from multiple cancer survivors. Mary’s Edibles uses isopropyl alcohol as an extraction method and it is fully purged out and tested to meet with Health Canada’s guidelines for acceptable trace amounts.